This is for Georgehifi especially but others can chime in.

I am buying Dynaudio C-1 Platinums and would like an ideal amp. Which would you choose? I prefer solid state. Separates or integrated. If you could recommend a few optimum choices that would be great. Based on my short couple years on here you strike me as very knowledgable on the subject. My dealer wants me on Pass Labs. Incidentally right now I have the Devialet 400 and I’m pretty sure you are not a fan of this type of amp. Any of your wisdom is appreciated. Thanks, Mike

Khost   you are like many incredulous audiophiles out there.

Guess what in anything that is subjective, the only way you know one thing is better than another is by testing via listening.

If you think a $500 Denon  amplifier and a $100k Technical Brain amplifier measure differently I think you will be wildly disappointed.

Please tell me the measurements which categorize a $1,000.00 bottle of Cognac vs a $20.00 one?

Please explain the way a superior car makes you feel?

Here is the basic problem you may know engineering you have a lot to learn about audio.  

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I think it's tawdry to have a Georgehifi specific thread. It's unfair to the rest of us, although it does allow me to use the word "tawdry." Also, are "doctors" Dave and Troy aware of the John Gorka song, "I'm From New Jersey?" A great song…trust me...
I also have a pair of the C1 P's, Dealer used Pass mono blocks to showcase them which were music to my ears.
I use D-class AVM 3,2 mono,s  and kt88 audiospace mono,s  both of which drive them well. I do prefer the AVM'S with these speakers but you could use tubes as well.
Dsreamer, it is not that Pass Labs isn't great gear it is but perhaps there are even better products out there at the same price:

Musicfx tested a T+A 2500R integrated vs the Pass integrated at the same price and found the T+A  was better to his ears.

Check out his thread he was looking at new electronics to drive his Wilson Sashas and was comparing a T+A integrated which he found out by reading our posts, to a Pass Labs and a Prima Luna.

I have heard the Pass stuff and it is very good, what makes the T+A to our ears even better is the superior rhythmic quality and greater transparency of the T+A gear while still retaining a somewhat warm quality in the midrange which the Pass also does. 

So to recap, will  a pair of Pass Labs mono blocks sound good of course they will, the issue isn't what just sounds good, is that are x, y or z the best product for the money as well as for the sound quality, can I get better sound for the same money? 

The T+A gear walks the fine line between detail and resolution and musicality, it is very fast, clean and dynamic while just being engaging to listen to this is a very hard balancing act and one of the reasons we endorse the brand. 

Again we are not saying T+A is the best gear out there, it is among the very best gear you can buy and when compared to the most expensive gear the T+A usually comes close at 1/2 to 1/3rd the price which is why we recommend it.

Compared to Hegel, Luxman, Naim, Electrocompaniet,and Norma, Anthem, and a few others we have sold or continue to sell, the T+A is clearly better and in a higher class of gear then these other fine brands.

How do we know look at our video and see for yourself we have tested and continue to test many brands on the market.

One of our sound rooms has 54 components in it.

You can see some of the products we have sold and we have replaced some of these brands as we found even better products.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ