This Sistrum stuff works

Hi. I just got a bunch of Sistrum products to add to my system. The package arrived, with 2 Sistrum Speaker Platforms, 2 Sistrum Equipment Platforms, 2 sets of AudioPoints, a pair of Sonoran Plateau Desert Speaker Cables, and a pair of Sonoran Plateau Cactus RCA Interconnects.

I wanted to try an entire line of products that were designed to work together, using the unique vibration management system that the Sistrum and Sonoran products have. I thought this approach could have some merit.

I put the products into the system, 1 by 1, and listened for differences. I started with the speaker platforms. I immediately noticed that the slight "boxiness" that was present primarily in the lower midrange was almost eliminated. And the bass, and midbass was much more defined than before. Overall clarity seemed improved, but it was already quite clear to start with. One of the more interesting benefits was that I could play louder than before, with less audible distortion. Then I tried the equipment platforms under my preamp and amp. This improved the focus of the entire presentation by several percent. And again, I could play even louder before noticing any distortion occurring. The next candidate was the Audiopoints under my Teres TT. This was where I noticed an increase in detail and lowering of the noise floor. I had already used BDR cones and Cocobolo Cones under the TT, and these beat both of those quite convincingly. The final thing was the Sonoran Cables. These need some time to break in, but after about 4 hours of playing, this package is giving me the best sound that I have ever gotten from this system. The cables, even right out of the box, were quite open and detailed, with no high-frequency rolloff that I had experienced with some other cables I've tried, like Cardas Golden. After just a few hours, the bass was really showing excellent tonality and control. The mids were as open as my DIY cables, which had previously slain all comers. I expect these Sonoran cables to improve over the next couple of weeks, and that will be a nice treat, because they are already sounding quite good indeed.

Now, I have to admit that I have not tried a boatload of different cables, but I have tried a few. My cone and support situation was in need, and I didn't have a very good vibration control system in place before I got this stuff. Maybe other stuff can do very well too. But I can say that this Sistrum and Sonoran stuff does exactly what it says it does, and I am very pleased with the results that I got on my system.

In addition, I really like the appearance of these products, and that never hurts, even though my audio room looks more like a workshop than a living room. I go primarily for performance, and not looks. The sound is the key issue for me. But good looks are always a positive, if the sound is also good.

I would say that I recieved an honest 15% improvement in the clarity, tonal quality(especially in the low end), and in maximum SPL that I can now attain. Although I didn't measure it, I feel that I got an additional 3db SPL over what I was getting before. And with the improved clarity and tone at the same time. With my low power tube system, this was a very big plus, because it was like getting more power out of my amp. Sistrum claims that when you use their products, you get better efficiency from your system, including amps and speakers, due to proper vibration management. I now believe that this is true, because I experienced that in my testing with my system.

I could heartily recommend these products to others, because I feel that if they work on my system, they will work on others. The technology works. I'm happy.

While other isolation products may be very good, and also other cables may be very good, I feel that these are doing a great job, and have good neutrality, but let the sound and dynamics come through crystal clear, and from top to bottom.

This package wasn't cheap, at about $3000 retail for all the items I got. But it is not anywhere near the high price that alot of other cables and racks cost. I think it strikes a very good level of performance for a reasonable price. I can't buy $8k speaker cables, or $5k audio racks.

I'd recommend them for anyone to try out. They really do work, just as the manufacturer claims.

Showing 16 responses by warrenh

To couple or decouple? That!, is the question; and never the twain shall (should) meet...warren
Welcome to the world of resonance transference. I've been there for a year and have been grooving. It's difficult spreading the word, when, for years, everyone seems to want to isolate, or decouple, and at the same time, throw in coupling devices. Most, mix the two; not having a clue that they are defeating the very principles envolved with coupling or decoupling. I love the Sistrum products. Perhaps you read my review on the Sistrum Mini Monitor platforms. I, too, use their points and racks. Unbelievabele. It is an attainable goal to couple equipment, rather than, isolate. In fact, it's just about impossible to isolate. I've said it a zillion times: how to you isolate from airborne resonances? You can't. And then the very things you use to isolate, keep those deleterious, microphonous meanies in your system. Maybe this thread will inspire more to check into the science/principles of energy transference. Good luck with your new toys. I know exactly what you're experiencing. It's cool, huh? warren
The secret to their point is patent pending, believe it or not. Top secret 'til then. There's a lot more science to that cone then you think. Get the point? They have a moneyback guarentee on their stuff. What do you have to lose, but a little face...
Hey Maxgain, "what the hell are you getting at?" Lighten up, my man. Just joking with you. Now that I know how thin your skin is, I'll be more gentle. peace, warren
I think the only way to protect your equipment from airborne resonances is to place everything in a vacuum. Yes? Problem is you should also place your speakers in the vacuum, because, they too, suffer from the deleterious affects of airborne resonances. Sand, and the like, unfortunately absorb the good resonances, as well as the bad. No distinction is made by the sand, lead, etc. I don't want to beat you, unbelievers, to death with this rap.. It works for me, and I'm very happy with the Sistrum products. Starsound Technologies offers a money back guarentee. You can't beat that with a stick. Put it to your tympanics, and then call me... peace and happy listening,warren
Dekay,what do I do with the clothes in my closet? My closet is not wired with dedicated lines either. I could use my daughter's room, but that would mean speaker runs of 30 feet of unsightly garden hose. Pretty costly. Plus, my daughter might be a little pissed at this idea. I could use my paint and tool closet, but the smells in there, alone, might have a permanent stink effect on my system. This would be kind of like my dentist, who goes out of the office, when he zaps me with some x-rays. So when I'm listening in my easy chair, I take my remote control, open up my closet, or go into another room and zap my cdp, and then go back to my listening chair. Ooops, too loud. Back I go. I run enough miles a week. Dekay, you got something there. Good luck with it. My clothes are staying in my closet. peace and happy listening...warren
Maxgain, Ouch! In the 80s I was doing time in Sing Sing, for bludgeoning to death, a nasty, insecure, audiophool. I got off for good behavior. They ruled, eventually, that it was justifiable homicide. You can email me where you live and we can have coffee.... peace, warren
Let's all go to a retreat together and bond. Then get naked, get into a hot tub, smoke some doobies, and talk about audio heaven, while we listen to Inagoddadivida, by Iron Butterfly, through outdoor Bose speakers. That would be a good thing. Keith, you too, jump into the hot tub with us...peace guys, warren
BTW: to change the subject again: Are there any women on the 'gon? Please ladies, let us know. Is this just a guy thing? Cross dressers, transvestites, or wanabee women, do not count. Must have the DNA.
I think we've beat this thread to death. Let's put it to bed, boys. There's more audiomania out there. Let's find it, and look out for each other...peace, warren
I know we have been talking about racks, mostly, in this thread. If you remember my review of the Sistrum Mini Monitor Support System, a month or two back: Starsound has applied the resonance transference principles to their speaker support system For those that have been following this badinage, about resonance transference,and have monitor speakers sitting on Sound Anchor stands or any stands that work on similar principles; take a look at their stands. Monitors aside, they also have systems for floor standing speakers, as well. Changing from the Revel M20 stock stands, to these babies was dramatic.
Psychicanimal, does your grandmother have any experience with phrenology? I'm a coupler. Some of you are decouplers. Sistrum: we know where they stand. Mixing the two, however, is kind of like buying beauiful leather furniture, and putting plastic slip covers over them. One nullifies the inherent characteristics of the other. If you're a coupler: stay true to that, and get rid of your absorbing, ruinous, little, resonance blockers. If you're a decoupler? Hey, I don't care where you go. Have fun though. peace, warren
I just posted this on another thread, so at the expense of being redundant, here goes: To couple or decouple? That is the question. Isolation? Not, nearly, possible. Airborne resonances cannot be isolated, and the very things you're using to decouple will keep those microphonous evil nasties flittering around, in your system. Coupling is the way to go, and Sistrum does it better than anyone, because they not only have an excellent product, they keep the principle of coupling "isolated" from decoupling. You don't mix the two--not, if you're trying to achieve a clear highway to the good ole earth, for those resonaces to go. peace, warren
Hey, I've got to laugh at myself. These threads on are so damn long, that I said just about the same thing 6 weeks ago, thinking it was a different thread. Got's to laugh. It's a beautiful day here. carpe diem my fellow audiophools. warren
Starsound Technologies will refund your money if you're not happy with their products. Infact they give you 30 days to find your happiness. Whattaya got to lose? Shipping? Small piece of change, given the cost over 30 days listening. The Sistrum Systems have delivered. I'm coupled to the EARTH, and very happy. peace, warren

P.S. Let's see: The original thread started in January. Will it be too long, come July? It's too long already. Just listen to these ( Sistrum) babies. You'll be freed....
True, threads are not owned. They take on a life of their own, sometimes, owing nothing to the original. That's the problem, for me, when it's "my" original post. I love the Sistrum products, and I base my comments on actual listening experiences. There are those who rail on, adnauseam, from nothing other than the theoretical. The ole tympanics are the test. I have yet to hear experiences, from other audiophools, where the Sistrum products were returned because they did not deliver. Let's put this baby to bed. I am...peace, warren