Thoughts on Concert Fidelity DAC-040BD Digital-to-Analog Converter

I am interested in any thoughts on the Concert Fidelity DAC-040BD Vacuum Tube Digital-to-Analog Converter.

I currently use a Metrum Pavane Level 3.
I use it predominantly for FLAC/ALAC files and for redbook CD. Very few DSD.

My set up includes a Concert Fidelity CF-080LSX2 Linestage and Concert Fidelity ZL200 Monobloc amplifiers.
I think if you have the opportunity to try one in your system you should. I have worked many audio shows with Masa Tsuda and consider him a great friend. He is an excellent designer of audio equipment as you know since you have the preamp and amps. The DAC is very organic and non-fatiguing, and limits coloration to a minimum. The Philips chip architecture favored by Masa Tsuda has always been a favorite among those who appreciate what non-oversampling brings to the musical spectrum. Not to mention the synergy of the DAC with your other components. I have heard this combination often enough to know it is incredibly musical.
Thank you For such a thorough answer.
Most of my digital music is not DSD. However some of my files are. From what I can gather with the concert Fidelity DAC You can only pick one or the other to play?
As far as I know the DAC plays 16 bit/44.1 Hz only. We never demoed anything other than Redbook CDs using an Esoteric transport. I am not very knowledgeable about DSD, but I am pretty confident it will not play those files in native DSD format. They would have to be converted to PCM at 16/44.1.