Thoughts on interconnect vs. speaker cable length.

I wish to plae my amp closer to the speakers and away from the front end rack.

My system consists of Esoteric MG10s, Bel 1001MKV, Audible Illusions 3a, PS DLIII DAC, M2Tech USB/SPdif. Mac Mini, Arcam DV137, Sonograph Turntable.
@ mesch,Hi,This depends on what you want to spend?Taralabs is the best at speaker cables bar none!,At eany price point!I would buy used,you can get bargains at times,again what can you spend?
Thanks all. Given I have ~$3500 invested in the amp and speakers, I believe $300 would be reasonable to spend on the used market.
@ Mesch,I wish you the best of luck!,For the first time,I believe I do not have a recommendation,not for $300.00, for $800.00 and above used,yes I could help,,To tell you the truth,I would invest in some quality cables,they are not out there at that price point!,I sold a Krell 300i not long ago,I put $2,800.00 I/c and $3,600.00 speaker cables on it,talking about wow!that little amp sounded fantastic!,I sold the amp to help me fund a taralabs zero gold i/c that retails for $15,950.00 to go on my main system,yes, Its a krell 700cx,kinda like krell amps!cheers!