Thoughts on Krell FPB series? 600 in particular.

Or the 300 as well.
Will be using it to power a pair of Thiel 3.6s and Maggie 2.7QR some of the time. Currently have a Classe CA-200. I'm looking for more slam and I'm thinking the extra power will result in a less constricted soundstage (more open). Is my thinking right?

How about the CX series? 300CX or 400CX

Associated equipment: Wadia 850, ARC LS-2B, Cardas and PAD cables.
Krell is a great match for Thiels. I had a recently re-capped FPB 300 matched with Thiel 2.4's and was very pleased with how the Krell took over those 2.4's. Pronounced bass, good separation, just absolute control of the speaker. The 300 wasn't quite enough for the extremely demanding cs5's, but I really think you would be in good shape with the FPB 300 and the 3/6's, as they have a tough load, but not approching the cs5's.
I sold the Krell & replaced it with a CAT 600.2, a beast with 1200 wpc into 4 ohms; it brought out the bass, but doesn't have the defined middle and highs of the Krell.
Just my experience!

IN connection with your Krell re-capping, was this done by Krell? What effect -- pro or con- on the amp's sound did the recap have?


Nice! Michaeljbrown-

indeed, the Thiel CS 2.4 is a special loudspeaker, that demands both high power & high current to really sing.
Anyone else using a Krell power amp on Thiel loudspeakers?
Keep me posted and Happy Listening!
The Krell will have a greatly extended life if recapped. I wouldn't get one that has not been recently recapped. Its a beast to ship off to Krell, and will cost you about $1200.00 at least, maybe more now. Counting shipping, that's close to 2 grand.
When the caps quit, the Krell quits. My experience with Krell is nothing but good, and when I go back to sold state I'm going back to Krell.
I am using the Krell FPB-250 Mono's and they sound fantastic on my Rockport Altairs.