Thoughts on my current system

Good evening all,

I am in the process of moving in the next couple of months and might be making some changes to my current system.  Any thoughts and or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.  

System is as follows:

Amp: Aragon 8008 mk 2.....I do have an Parasound Halo A21 that is sitting in a closet.  Basically brand new
Pre amp: Audio Research LS17 se 
Source: Cary CDP 1 cd player
Speakers: Sonus Faber Venere 3.0
Wattgate 381 outlet
Speaker cables: Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun
Interconnects: Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref mk.ii XLR 
Shunyata PS8/Defender with Zitron Alpha HC 20amp
Shunyata Zitron Viper for source
JPS Labs Pac Black for Amp & Pre amp

Everything is plugged into the PS8 including the Amp. 

Thank you in advance. 


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