Thoughts on Speakers for a Small Audio/Video Room

Hoping to get some thoughts from the group here. 

I recently moved into a dedicated TV/audio room, but the room size is on the small side: 15.5ft x 11.5ft.  As pics will show, there's quite a bit in there, so empty volume is decreased further due to that.

I've been using Aerial Acoustics Model 7B speakers, which I've been very happy with in larger spaces, but they seem to be overwhelming the room and I'm getting fairly overwhelming bass. Vocals have sort of a chestiness/congested nature to them, and there are bass undertones to most songs.  If I play records loud, I need to activate my rumble filter, which I never used to have to do.  As a sidetone, I also have Monitor Audio Gold Reference 20's in my collection.

Preamp is a recapped Mcintosh C35 and amp is a recapped MC2255.  Phono pre is a VTL TP 2.5 II, TT is a Marantz TT-15S1 running a SAE1000LT MM cart.

I borrowed a friend's Sonus Faber Electa Amator II's and they sounded very good in my room - sweeter, more natural, no congestion, though I did give up bass slam/impact, which I kind of missed.

Here are pictures of the room:



I'm playing around now with plugging the rear ports of the Aerial, as well as putting some acoustic panels in the back corners of the room.  Both of those seem to have helped quite a bit.

As far as measurements, those Aerials are currently about 80" apart, 16" from speaker back to front of cabinet, 96" from each speaker to the listening position.

What's your opinion: With some room treatments/plugged ports, can the Aerials work well in a room of this size, or do I need to move toward smaller speakers?

If I go smaller, any thoughts on something like the Sonus Faber Concerto Domus (there's a pair local to me) or Sonetto III?  Those seem to be more modestly sized, don't go as low.  Would those be at least a lateral to the AA Model 7B's, or a step down in terms of overall speaker quality?  I only mention Sonus Faber models as I was impressed with my friend's speakers and generally do enjoy the smoother, more musical speakers and will give up some detail/pinpoint accuracy if needed to avoid brightness/listening fatigue.

Thanks all. . .



@captouch  From the pic you sent above w/ the Sonus Faber's (?) it appears to me that you need to play with moving further away from side walls--just a guess--but when you do that your listening position does change-closer to speakers. 

Have you tried using a room mode calculator?  This one came to my attention a few years back on A'Gon and it's a free app from an Austrian guy, that was immensely helpful in locating the modes in my room--and keeping my speakers and turntable away from bass nodes. It's fun to play with a wealth of information on room modes:

Lastly, someone above mentioned that if you liked the Aerial Acoustic sound and wanted smaller speakers the Aerial 5T might work--they are well-reviewed and maybe you can demo them--but are standmounts.  FWIW

@perazzi28 Thank you for your PMs.  I don’t seem to be able to respond yet (something about validating my email and adding a payment method).  Tried to do that, but maybe it takes time to process.

But wanted to let you know I received the info and appreciate it.

@mapman The speakers are 34.5/47” from front wall (back of speaker/front of speaker).  Since I have front cabinets, I measured distance of 17-18”/28.5-29.5” from front cabinet (back of speaker/front of speaker), though with the front port, I’m not sure if the more relevant measurement is from front wall or cabinet.  29” from side walls and 79” between speakers.

@wyoboy I’ll try moving the speakers closer together.  This is what the room calculator gives me:

I’m not yet sure how to interpret this, but I’ll do some research.

@captouch The graphic shows at what frequency modes exist with biggest concerns below 250Hz for bass integration and below 150Hz for where you don't want your speakers or subs or turntable located--but there's another 3D room graphic as i recall that shows where those modes are actually located in the room on walls, floor and ceiling.  It took me a while playing with it to finally get it -- have fun

@wyoboy I found the 3D graphic that shows mode locations, but aren’t zone locations also dependent on where my speakers are placed vs purely on the dimensions of my room?

My only input to the calculator was my room size.