Thoughts on the Supratek Chardonnay

I'd just like some input as to your experiences, good or bad, with the Chardonnay. I use an Audio Research SP16L right now with an Odyssey Stratos Dual Mono and Dynaudio Contour MKII speakers. Cabling is Pro9+ for speakers and MagicLink and Prosilways. Is the Chardonnay really that good?
Check with John Tucker of Exemplar Audio he has to repair alot of them. They don't hold up well for what ever reason.
Playntheblues. A rather profound statement to make in a public forum sir. How many units do you think has he repaired?

could you provide me with some more info on the failed chardonnay's you mention? i've never heard anybody complain of problems with the chardonnay. it seems to me that as popular as they seem to be around here that there'd be several threads about the issue. i'd really like to know what to expect now that my chardonnay is gonna be on it's way shortly. thanks.
I have had mine for 6 weeks and it made my stereo come alive like no other equipment I have owned. (20 years audiophile). It is the best $2200 I have ever spent in audio. Mick was a pleasure to deal with and was forth coming with all inquiries. The preamp looks bullet proof and sounds awesome. I DOUBT very much there are any widespread issues with these units.
I had a Syrah for awhile. It was pleasant enough but lacked the resolution I was looking for.

Arkio, what do you mean by "the preamp looks bulletproof?"

"Sounds Awesome" is subjective and I have no reason to doubt your assesment, but to designate something as bulletproof would require an in depth knowledge of the circuits and the components utilized.