Ticking noise in Audio Research Reference CD7

I have a relatively new CD7 (probably with about 1,500 hours on it) and it recently started making this ticking noise each time I press "play" or move between tracks ("forward" or "backward"). While just playing the noise isn't there.

Any ideas where this noise could be coming from/caused by?

hello Amuseb , not interested , if you can do the upgrade yourself by bying the parts needed , or know somebody who can do it for you , you will save a lot of money , as I know that ARC France is asking crazy prices ( same as in Germany )You will need two resistors , a tubeholder ,a 6550 tube and some wiring .Time to install about half an hour .I got the upgrade as service in Holland , so i 'm able to help other ARC people .BTW I don 't sell parts .
Regards Hans ( Netherlands )
Hi Hansk46, just noticed your response here... sorry.
Thanks again and I'll immediately send you an email!
Cheers and good luck tonight in the Euro, we're crossing our fingers for your team.
Hello, now the player would also sometimes make this spinning noises on some CDs.
Any thoughts?

Also, I spoke to ARC about the power supply UG of the CD7 and they say this is needed essentially due to a design issue of the dual 6h30p tubes in the original CD7 design. Seems a bit awkward to me to have to pay and/or tweak yourself something like that in a unit that is so expensive instead of having ARC do it for free or a recall the original units.
Elberoth2, I can't find the Allen key that opens up the 4 little screws holding the plastic cover of the rails. Would you know what I should be looking for?
For people interested in maintenance Philips CD-PRO 2 laserunit as also used in ARC CD gear google with the following :
Philips maintenance instructions premium 10501
Its free

regards Hans ( the Netherlands )