Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Same thing Ciro71, JMLab used to be the initial name (JM, stand for founder Jacques Mahul), in those times Focal stood for a range of drivers they sold. Some way down the line the brand Focal was used for all products.

Alec, congrats and welcome to the inner circle!


the room that i attended and refered to had the boulder amps preamp , emm's new cd player and the jm lab/ focal maestro speakers. it was on the 36 or 37th floor of the venetian, if my memory serves me correctly.
...in case you think tidal speakers are difficult to drive, a friend of mine brought over prototypes of his/their new SET amp. they..tom willman and pres edmunds own 'chalice audio' ...a small audio company that argualbly makes one of the best SET amps in the world...not my thoughts but those of all who have heard their 'Grail' monoblocks...they are a 50 watt full input choke design with a recently upgraded filament supply that has made them even better then their initial product...anyway..their smaller model....the 'talisman' i think..is a 25 watt model. pres brought them over sunday to see how they compared to my goldmund 29m with my contriva diacera-ses...to say that both of us were shocked would be an understatement..they easily drove the tidals' with no obvious bass loss and were much more transparent ..detailed..liquid and all the other words used to describe great sound...i can't imagine what the 'grail' would sound like...one of pres' customers has tidal T1 speakers and pairs them with the 'grails' and recently had them upgraded with the filament supplies and thinks they may be 'the best amp in the world'..his words ..not mine...you don't need alot of power to drive the contriva diacera-se...this is now very apparent and the music is so much more natural..