Re: Sunray, I think of it as a great buying opportunity for some! If living in the States, I would have already grabbed them at those silly good prices offered. Not so much gold with my Stradivari as well in the past, when rrp was 40'ish, I bought new--discounted for 26k, and not so much later upon re-selling (locally) only got 17k for them. Not to mention the loses I suffered from my later two Magicos (bought new as well). So I guess buying used quality products from Agon is the way to go when opportunity as these arises. Its pretty much similar and applicable for most other brands. Also, I think the more massive/heavy the speakers are, the more they tend to be discounted--more shipping, logistics issues involved--as have already been mentioned.
What surprises me more though is that there's still no takers within the area despite the Ads going on for quite sometime now.
Quanmer, Congrats on your Contriva purchase! Please keep updating your newfound experiences, and post the system in virtual listing if possible.