Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
"If what comes out of the speaker is the same as what is sent into it, it is netural."

"...the same as what is sent into it..."

And how do you know what that "same" is? Every component, including speakers, puts it's signature on the sound. The only way one could know if a component is neutral is to listen to that component (without any other components in the system - which is not possible) and compare it against the original, live event.

Neutral is subjective - PERIOD!
Although HP was better than most in using words to describe sounds, I still think it is futile effort to do so. Yes, we should not have Audiogon, or it is a waste of time. Certainly, neutral is subjective; every review is subjective. Stereophile in particular has shown little or no correspondence between measurement and what we hear. Several years ago Archibald pulled in a very positive review of a $350k amp, which was the finest amp I ever heard because it did not measure very good. What bs! Several years later at the RMAF, he had a Boulder amp and an unnamed amp and showed both under loads measuring THD. Everyone raved about how stout the Boulder was. I asked "do you think the designer of the other amp think THD captures how good an amp sounds?" A hush fell over the room, and I left.
Roysen, after listening to Sunray at my friend's house, I am sure Tidal is very sensitive to any change in a system. My Contriva Diacera SE was a bit warm before. And I switched my BMI Oceanic PC from poweramp to the CD player, and Tara Labs Cobalt PC on CD player to poweramp, then the sound changed dramatically, now it is not warm at all.

But one thing I felt the same, Tidal never show sharp edge like Marten Coltrane. But I consider it is neutral to the source. When did you hear a live music with sharp edge? That is why I can listen to the music without fatigue.

Have you heard of something called measurements. They are not subjective and they are the only way to find out if a speaker is neutral by comparing the input with its output.

Have you heard of something called measurements. They are not subjective and they are the only way to fond out it a speaker is neutral by comparing the input with its output.