Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
it is not appropriate for manufacatur to comment on his products, on these end- user threads.
self- promoting noneses, together with self- marketing is double wrong.
Bryoncunningham, the Munich audio show is going on now with many listening to quality speakers and deciding which sound better. Jorn may not respond quickly.
Jorn described neutrality very well. I would add that your system should react accordingly to different recordings as well as equipment. If every recording sounds unique you are in the right path...Or vice versa, the common sound attributes you identify between different recordings is your system's character. ;)

Happy Listening,

Dear Bryon,

I can follow your experience and your conclusion could be a first proof that your system allows you to hear the different qualites of your recordings. Cause in the end of the day it is like this: if you have the perfectly neutral speakers/cables/amps/source/room, what do you hear then and would start to describe? The recording quality itself.

And this can be both a wonderful revelation and bring you closer to the artist then ever before, or it can show you the same unasked truth as seeing a not so pretty face on a 55" full HD screen. I believe the whole hifi camp is making a constant discussion between these two ones: reproducing music as it was recorded and reproducing music as one likes to hear it. And all inbetween ;-).

Please understand that I do not want to be to much involved into this, I just wanted to explain it a bit better what it is what WE do.

Thank you, Jörn, for your response. The views you have expressed about neutrality are very similar to my own. And FWIW...

I, for one, enjoy comments from manufacturers, provided that the thread doesn't become a vehicle for advertising, which this thread has not, IMO.

05-13-11: Argyro
...your system should react accordingly to different recordings as well as equipment. If every recording sounds unique you are in the right path...Or vice versa, the common sound attributes you identify between different recordings is your system's character.

I completely agree, Mike.
