Tidal vs. Spotify

Tidal sounds better for sure. Search functions aren't as good as Spotify but if you are currently using Spotify, give Tidal a try and let me know what you think!
Even at home, Spotify > iBasso SPDIF Convertor > Simaudio 100D > Simaudio I-3 > Totem Rainmaker sounds pretty good to me.  
I am now listening to basic Spotify with Windows upscaling everything to 24/192 before outputting via USB to my iFi USB-spdif converter and thence to the coax input of the Esoteric K-01 player which is 24/192 capable. 

I have no idea how Windows does the upscaling but the sound is indeed stunning!
For those interested to try this, right click the sound icon on the taskbar -> Playback devices -> select your USB device -> 'Properties' tab -> 'Advanced' tab -> scroll down and select 24 bit/192 kHz(studio quality).

Enjoy! J. :)
jon2020 - 
I find the sound from Spotify very good too.  I'm using a split USB cable (separate signal and power legs) from MAC to a Musical Fidelity 192 USB/spdif converter that also upconverts to 24/192; from the MF192 via Stereovox coax to a Gungnir DAC; from the Gungnir via Morrow Audio RCAs (MA-3s or MA4s...don't recall) to pre-amp (or amp).  CD playback - especially ripped - can sound a little fuller bodied but for finding and listening to new music and playing things I haven't purchased yet, Spotify has been excellent.  An audio bud that had visited thought the sound of Spotify was CD-quality.  It sure ain't like listening to crappy MP3s.  

I used to have the iFi USB power that separates the power from the signal via a bihedral cable like yours until it crapped out. I guess it's time to get a new one after this recent experiment. 
I will try your method of letting the dac do the upsampling work and see how that compares with Windows.