tight sound and tight $ sub for Silverline monitor

I'm looking for a "cheap" musical sub - if that's not a contradiction in terms. It doesn't have to go super low or super loud - just locking for something tight and tunefull to go with some Silverlines in a bedroom. I'm looking for something to add a little impact and flesh out the bottom end a bit.

There are some relativly inexpensive models from Energy and M&K - are there better alternatives? Thanks.
ML Depth -- very fast, flexible controls, and due to the omnidirectional ("Balanced Force") design, doesn't care where you put it -- even in a corner -- although right between the mains is best.

A used Hsu VTF-2 would be in your price range. Might be a little large, physically, for a bedroom but it's a great sub for the price.
For a smaller bedroom type system I recommend a 10" NHT w/ outboard amp, such as you will find here:


I noticed the ad for this a few days ago. I have the same amp/sub combo in a smaller type living room system to compliment a pair of B&W N804's. The 804's have great bass but I was looking for the same thing that you are, a tad more impact and bass detail. Takes the load off the 804's, especially if you have a preamp where you can cut off your main speakers below 60 or 80 hZ.

That little NHT is truly amazing. I replaced it for awhile with a Velodyne HGS-12, so that I could verify the performance of the Velodyne before putting it up for sale, and my wife and I actually preferred the NHT. The Velodyne tended to draw too much attention to itself.

Another nice detail with an outboard sub amp is that you don't have to run a sub cable and a power cord to the speaker part of the sub, just the speaker cable. Keeps the scene a little cleaner, helping w/ the infamous WAF.
A great small sub at a nice price is the REL Q-108. They are selling them at the Magnolia HiFi in the Best Buys for only $499.