Time for a change

Fellow Audiophiles I need some input. I need to pick a new set of speakers out and I have narrowed down a couple but would like any comments on others...
I listen to 70/80's rock and jazz. I have a opera conosance 2.2 refernce CD player and a nuforce P8 preamp paired up with a Jeff rowland model 102 amplifier. 100 watt 8 ohms and 200watt at 4 ohm. I use Cardas nuetral ref. speaker cables and nordost spm rca. I have baldur and Van den hul cables also.

I am getting rid of Avalon studio pros ...

I have a 15 to 1800.00 budget on used speakers. I am narrowed down to Vandersteen 3 signatures or Revel F-30's or Opera Quinta.

I value the opnions of this forum.

Looking for a full range speaker....any idea????

Showing 1 response by stevecham

While I would steer you toward the Vandersteens, nothing substitutes for actual auditioning. What brands do you have in your immediate area that you could hypothetically listen to?