TIME to break in a Denon 103R

Can anyone offer their experience on how many hours it takes to fully break in a Denon 103R cartridge ?
Could the 1203 be the best VALUE of all time?Some might say the Shure is at $300 but is no longer being sld.But it's the one I suggest to anybody who is not an audiophile.Really cheap I'd go for Grado but the 103R is such a venerable product it's reassuring it's till there.
Hey Larry, I just installed a new 103 (couldn't swing the extra $90 for the R) on a DIY TT project two days ago. I agree with HDM that after about 15 hours, four of which were run on the Cardas burn in disc, the 103 REALLY smoothed out and started to sing. It may be one of the biggest bangs for your audio buck today. This project is putting out some serious sound. Let us know how your 103R sounds over time.

Sorry to be so slow, you cheapskate!

I like the 103/103R too. IMO it is one of the great bargains in cartridges. Lots of honest music for a very reasonable price. You have to spend several times more to do much better.
Doug, your answer dissapoints me. How can you recommend a cartridge that uses a 16.5u round stylus? That will destroy anyone's record collection--unless they are 1950's hard mono records. Maybe for a high end kiddie phonograph a radial tip would work...

At the very least a stylus tip should be elliptical. At the very least.