Aud/Mimb that sounds like a good time. Please do post your findings. As a Dynaudio S5.4 owner (read: biased) I concur with your (audphile) findings. Very coherent across the range, stunning vocal clarity, accurate dynamics, shimmering highs that seem to have no limit, outstanding imaging (they do the 'dissapear' thing quite well), and excellent detail retrieval at low (night time) levels. I have little kids and this is VERY important. Prior to the S5.4's I had S3.4s and 1.8 MKII's. There is some intangible "rightness" to Dynaudio's sound, especially through the midband, that has me totally hooked. The fact that I can drive the S5.4s to excellent results across a wide range of volume with my lower power rated Plinius says quite a bit about the results you will get with the refined Pass X250.5 powerhouse. I know, I had one of those too (I miss that amp. Perhaps down the line I will try another Pass amplifier, but in the meantime I'm awaiting delivery of a Pass X1 preamp--like dynaudio there something also "just right" about Pass!) ok enough! TGIF and have a great time.