Time to move on, Quad, Coincident or Ref 3a

I am feeling like it is time to take the plunge and try another new speaker, after all life is short to experience one too long. So here is my short list, Quad 2805/2905, Coincident Super Eclipse 3, Reference 3a Grand Veena and VR4 SR. Musicality is one aspect I cant give up. Any comments and experiences will really be appreciated and help to ease the process.

Have you heard these speakers? Of all of the speakers I've heard in my life, the Quad 2905's were easily the best to these ears. I don't have them because I'm in a 10x12 room. If I had the room, they'd be sitting in it right now.
The amp you have makes a big difference. 3 watt SET for the Coincidents or 200 watts for the Quads? We need to know more...
Wow, four very different loudspeakers.

I don't have much experience with the current Quads, so I'm not the best resource to speak on them. Of course, history is on the side that Quads will provide you with musicality.

Coincident Super Eclipse is a nice speaker, but I think the Total Eclipse would be worth moving up to instead. I currently have a pair of Coincidents, so I'm obviously a fan. While they do well on low power, which is what they are well known for, they do even better with more (tube) power.

Heard the Grand Veenas a couple of weeks ago with a friend, using a BAT tube power amplifier. I'm left tremendously impressed with them, to the point where I'm hoping to purchase them at some point.
All are quality designs..I can only speak with regard to having owned the Quads and VSA speakers..."life is too short"...I agree. Ive been with more than a few speakers over the years.

My personal favorite of all the speakers owned would definitely be the Quads..even with their well documented short comings in areas of real life dynamics. The way they present music so naturally is captivating. Thats said, I can honestly say that the Emerald Physics CS-2 is a better speaker in every regard. They have the natural tonality of the Quads with the dynamics and gusto of expensive box designs. I would try to get a listen if poss. You may end up with a speaker that gives all the attributes you are looking for. The caveat is that you need to bi- amp them, but hi dollar amps are not required here.