Time to upgrade my PS Audio Quintet

I currently own a PS Audio Quintet and while it works well, I am hoping to find something that adds more transparency and reduces grain. My primary components are;

Exposure 2010S2 Integrated Amp
Sony SCD-XA5400ES CD/SACD Player
Dell Laptop / Wavelength Proton DAC
Spendor A6 Loudspeakers
Analysis Plus Interconnects and Speaker Cable
DH Labs Power Cords

I have the Exposure plugged straight into the wall and everything else into the Quintet. As I mentioned above, my main goal is to take the edge off the system. While I care about frequency extremes, they are not as important as a natural, transparent, uncolored midrange. Anyone who's used a Quintet and moved to something better, what is it? Around $1500.00 or so is my budget.

Products I am considering;

PS Audio Power Plant Premier
Shunyata Hydra & Guardian
Synergistic Research QLS 6 & 9


John Allen
Jdub39 , I'm using a DH Labs Power Plus cable from the wall to the Quintet. I originally used a PS Audio AC-10, but after comparing it to the DH Labs cable, I sold the AC-10. By comparison, the PS Audio cable was bright and edgy, although it went deeper in the bass.
Hmm! How long was the breakin ? as it takes about 250-300 hrs to do justice, after trying different cables in variuos positions the Statement SC to the Quintet did yeild a much smoother sound while the Ac-10 gives an more open presentation, however the Ac-10 on the amp was perfect in timber and musical balance.I heard a similar response on the AC-10 on AA and he said the Ac-12 gave the added weight to the music image along with the great deep bass you described, If it where me I would try different PC's, if that dose'nt do it my next step would be the PPP! keep us posted on your findings.
Well here's what I'm going to do. I've got two electrical outlets behind my audio cabinet and I have ordered a Tesla Plex for one and a Porter Port for the other. An electrician friend of mine is going to install them for me and then quote me a price on two dedicated 20 amp lines. It will be a while until I actually have those installed (unless he is ridiculously cheap, which I doubt). Then I am going to purchase a pair of power chords, one for the CDP and one for the amp and plug them both straight into the wall. They will probably be the new Black Sand Violet ZII or maybe the Kaplan HE. Those are the only two I am considering. I will post my results as I progress.