Tips for warming up Rotel + B&W system?

I recently purchased Rotel Integrated amp and B&W 703's to pair with my broken-in Rotel 1072 DC player. I've only had the system for 2 weeks, but I can't notice any improvent, The broken-in system sounded very good in the store but at home it sounds cold, dry, sterile, with harsh highs. I find the more I listen, the less I want to listen, which only slows doen the breaking-in process. Are there any audiogoners who've had experience with taming overly trebly B&W's?

Showing 1 response by nickt

First, you need to study your room for it could be the cause. Then you also want to ask your dealer what cables he was using for that particular system at his store. I think you will find your answer from one of those two questions. Good luck.