Tired wiating - good Bryston/what else to get?

I am really tired to wait for a good occasion for a nice Bryston amp..
I was looking for a used 4B or an almost new 2B LP amp..
But everytime i look for some, none show or the deals go off :(

SO i need to know what else could i get that gives a lot of bang for the bucks!!

What i am looking for: crisp, details clear...
an amplifier that doesn't alter the sound but simply amplifies it ( as amplifier suggests :p )

Wich model/brand should i be looking for ?
I really have a dig for Canadian products ( home sweet home ) but i am open to any sugestion!
Please take into account that my budget is reallly low now unfortunatly :(

here is my current setup :

Digital sources ->
Waveterminal 192 ( 24bit 192KHZ dac that rux )->
????missing link amplifier ????? ->
Mirage OM-9 speakers + ( soon )Mirage BPS 150i sub

thanks :)
Interesting..:-)....I haven't heard the lower end NAD yet. But their Silver Series Sounded great too me. The high are really smooth and the bass is very tight. It's the opposite of what you just concluded..:-)...

Anyway, it's all relative..:-)...We all have different taste. Good luck in finding a good amp.
Similar to, but better than Bryston, and still Canadian after all these years: Sim Audio. Classe also fits your description. A used Moon I-5 is cheap, lovely, and killer good. If you don't need the line stage, look for a used Celeste 4150, which are cheap as dirt and will make those OM-9's blast off.
Odyssey Stratos (www.odysseyaudio.com) can be had for about $800-900 used, one of the best I've heard of the many I've tried in the sub ~$1k and under range, actually sounding similar to John Curl's $6,000 monoblocks in many ways, and I imagine the $2K Odyssey monos would be extreamly similar...but at 1/3 the price. Go to audioreview.com and see the reviews on the odyssey amp, I believe it is the most and the highest reviewed product on the net.
Look for a Bryston B-60. There are always some for sale. That would give you the same amp as the 2B-LP now, plus a nice pre amp that you could bi amp into a 3B or 4B later on , when you find one in your price range. I just picked up a mint .5B and 3B. There out
there-keep looking.