TMR Audio; Never Again

First off thanks for the community for trying to help me with the Aurender A10 over the weekend, though I never did get it to play music. Turns out it wasn't my incompetence THIS time, it's defective. I just spoke to Ari from Aurender who DID call me back, TMR never did, still waiting. TMR was uncooperative ignoring me totally. Never again!


Well, it looks like the OP is eating crow now, and he hasn't even had the decency to offer an apology.

TMR is fantastic.  Sold to them, bought from them, my father buys from them, my brother, friends.  They.  Are.  Great.  

Full stop.  

i too have had only positive interactions with tmr - they are a good outfit

I’ve bought numerous pieces of gear from TMR, have returned hasty purchases as well as sold back and upgraded with no issue. I’ve also received friendly technical help when stumped by a few issues. Great company with great prices and customer service IMO.

It’s not very often you see professional behavior on here. Josh, you seem like a stand up guy. I’d trust you with my kids if I had any. You should print this thread, and all of the responses and either put them in a training manual for your sales people and customer facing tech or just slap it somewhere on your yelp somehow.