To damp or not to damp JMW-9 Sig ?

Just got this tonearm for my ScoutMaster. A great addition I might add. I haven't experimented with the damping yet. This will come. But I was wondering what differences I might hear with it damped? I'm using a DV 20XL cartridge. Thanks

Showing 1 response by franks

I'm a long term TNT/JMW-10 owner. The issue of damping is very cartridge dependent. In general the high compliance catridges like the benz and the grado's benefit from some damping. Low compliance cartridges do not. When I had a grado reference I had the damping trough about half full. After I upgraded to a koetsu jade, a low compliance cartridge, I use no damping. The dynevector is a low side of medium compliance cartridge thus it may or may not benefit from a small amount of damping. You might want to try just a few drops of the damping fluid in the trough and compare it with no damping.