The following is so laughably incorrect, I don't know whether the poster was honestly communicating what they believe or if they were trolling.
This is wrong. It is not open to debate (unless you have no clue how electricity works). Of course energy is transferred in both directions. That is why power supply ripple is NOT at 60Hz, it is at 120Hz (or 100Hz). Again, not remotely open to debate and easily confirmed. If there is 60Hz noise that is being injected directly into the signal, not from power supply ripple.
Signed, "Someone who actually does this for a living."
"You can ignore the current traveling in the direction away from the speakers, I.e., toward the wall, since that direction of current flow is not (rpt not) audible. The only direction that’s audible for any wire is the one toward the speakers. It is the speakers that ultimately produce the sound you hear. So, it’s the “quality” of the current traveling toward the speakers that is the issue. That’s why fuses sound better in one direction, worse in the other direction in AC circuits and DC circuits. As Old Blue Eyes sez, that’s life. "