Tom Evans Groove X, Aesthetix Rhea or JLTI

I've been looking at phono preamps over the past couple days. At this point it seems that my phono pre (Wright WPP 100c) may be the weak link in my system. So in the spirit of audiophilia it would seem that I should try to squeeze out another 2-4% out of my system.

I'm told that the Aesthetix rhea will be too noisy with my Benz Ebony L because of its very low .26mv output. A shame really since I found one at a pretty god price used. Then there is the Tom Evans Groove X, But I haven't been able to find much info on it. Then too the Groove does not have adjustable gain which I consider important. Therefore I am leaning towards the JLTI which has adjustable loading and gain. The JLTI, along with the TE Groove has a small footprint which will also be beneficial since I don't have proper room in my rack for a full size unit.

So i think I've answered my own question, The JLTI is also about $1k cheaper also. Therefore the JLTI may not be the final phono pre, but it may be a step up from the Wright and feed the Teres better until I can take a bigger step up. Is there something I may be missing. Is the JLTI a big step up from the Wright, which I also consider a great over achiever? Thoughts?
I have been told that there are two versions of the Rhea, and that the newest version is quieter than the first version. The first version was definitely a bit noisy with low output MC cartridges. (My friend used one, and while I agree it had wonderful features, it was never my favorite due to the tube rushing noise.) So if you buy used, make sure it is the latest version.

If you are looking for an alternative recommendation, I hgihly recommend the ASR Basis Exclusive. It is extremely quiet and very musical. (I have two friends who use it, and one of them has now upgraded to the upgraded version, which shows me that he liked it enough to spend double on the gold board version.) If I had the money, I would be using that one myself.

My two cents worth.
An used Basis Exclusive (blue board) should be around $3k. It was dead quiet. It is hard to beat battery power supply in terms of low noise. Mini Exclusive will be cheaper although I never owned one. But I would think it should be quiet as well.
I frankly preferred the JLTI in a direct comparison with the Rhea - the JLTI offered more detail, more refinement, more control in the bass with some of the best separation between instruments of any phonostage. Not quite the rich tonal colours of my Shindo phono, but the JLTI is still a great phonostage IMO. If you are looking for compact the JLTI could be an almost final solution.

P.S.: I owned a Wright WPP200C before the JLTI.
A friend of mine uses an Aesthetix Rhea and a Benz Ebony LP. It sounds excellent and is not "noisy". YMMV