Tonearm/Cartridge Combinations: What Do You Own (Or Have Owned) And Recommend?

I recently added vinyl to my system. I began looking for one place on A-gon that asked folks to list the tonearm/cartridge combinations they personally own or have owned and highly recommend. I didn't find anything, so I'm hoping this thread will provide a quick reference for the vinyl crowd to see what combinations other folks are using with satisfaction.
I'm running a Reed 3P tonearm with a Van den Hul Crimson cartridge. The turntable is a Dobbins modified Garrard 301.I highly recommend this combination.
Please grow this thread with your own personal recommendations.
Ag insider logo xs@2xastewart8944
Good topic, tonearm/cartridge synergy is a crucial factor often overlooked in discussions about what tonearm is best or what cartridge is best. Without taking their interaction into account any recommendation of either is rather - eh - pointless.

You have a great 'point' of departure, as the Reed 3P and VdHul cartridges have great synergy. I've been using the 3P with a Colibri XPW Blackwood for years and this has remained my reference. But I became curious to hear other cartridges so I decided to add another tonearm to my Micro RX-1500G turntable. Two tonearms in fact, Fidelity Research FR-64S and Audiocraft AC-4400. Both equipped with SME bajonet to facilitate easy 'cart rolling'. The VdHul has remained the permanent resident of the 3P, because mounting and dismounting a Colibri is NOT my idea of having a good time!

Since then I've tried dozens of different cartridges in both arms. You never know exactly what to expect, but sometimes you hit on a combination that exceeds every possible expectation. One such case is the Phasemation P3G in the FR-64S. This relatively cheap low output MC (predecessor of the current PP-300, which I think still retails around $1500) magically 'explodes' in the FR arm. In dynamics, in soundstage size and depth and in bass extension. While the P3G also sounds very good in the AC-4400 and FR-64FX (another tonearm I use, but in a different system), in the 64S it moves into a completely different league, comparable to top end cartridges like the Colibri. These are the unexpected surprises that make vinyl playback so much fun. 

Keep 'em coming.......

Jelco 850L and Decca Super Gold (on a modified 401)
I have 3 of these arms with various Decca cartridges and they sound great.
Here's what I used years ago: GAS Sleeping Beauty (Coral 777) with a Lustre GST-1 arm on the Ariston RD11S TT. Into the Verion P SUT. I now have another Coral 777 mc and a Fidelity Research FR54 arm awaiting installation on another Ariston RD TT!