I have a sapphire and it is my final table. I also have a Premier MMT tonearm. The arm I use on my sapphire is the Fidelity Research FR64fx. It is absolutely superior in every way to the MMT. It is a superb tonearm and I would recommend it as a superb match for the SOTA. The problem is price and availability. They are scare and command high prices on Ebay and then you are right to question how the bearings have held up, etc. I have made inquiries and am sending mine off to Japan to be rebuilt/refurbished by the original designer (who is in his eighties). I also use a rebuilt FRMK3 cartridge and Ortofons. It is a great arm for those cartridges from personal experience.
I haven't seen, heard, or know about Ikeda products, but one of the designers from Fidelity Research is who heads it up. If it was my dollars I would seek out some Ikdea products and try to give a listen.
Have fun.