Tonearm for Teres turntable - approx $1000 - ??

I have way to much time to research for components for my new analog setup, and keep on thinking about new ways of spending my budget (which keeps increasing in size. :-( )

I have at least decided on the turntable - basically a Teres 160 - and the cartridge - Zyx R-100H.

I had decided on an Origin Live Silver tonearm,(with Twl's HiFi mod, of course,) too, but now I'm wavering about that decision. I can not afford to spend thousands of dollars on the tonearm, but can probably stretch my budget to about $1000. Used is fine... Are the Hadcock tonearms (which seem to be about the same price as the OL Silver) any good? Better than or equal to the OL Silver? Is there something better I should look for, or should I just stick with the OL Silver?
Holyy: There is no problem. But with a very low level voltage of the signal coming for the cartridge there will be not burn-in or at least you will need 100 years to do that job.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I don't believe I'll have 100 years to burn in my tone arm cables/wiring! Thanks Raul - guess I'll give your method a try!


If I am reading you correctly, you are applying signal to the RCA jacks of the tonearm but there is no load at the other end, so there won't be any current flow in the wires. You need to apply some kind of resistor loading at the other end to burn in the cables. I believe there are some commercial cable burnin products that have a DIN jack so you can plug both ends of the phono cable in and get a load as well as a signal.

Dear Dave: Yes, I forgot: I use a 2K, 1/2 watt resistor on each channel ( very easy to solder directly to the headshell pins ).

Regards and enjoy the music.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not soldering anything to my headshell clips!

Some people could probably do that safely and also be confident they could remove them later with no residue, but I'm not that good with a soldering iron.

I'd either DIY some jumpers or buy an adapter like Dave suggested. Or just wait 100 years. ;-)