Tonearms: Graham 2.1 or 2.2 vs Basis Vector

Hi, I have a Basis 2001 with Rega RB300 and am finally edging toward tonearm upgrade. I had been figuring on getting the Basis - seems the default best choice - but I hear that Basis now has a "Vector" arm in the same price range that could be competition, particularly in that it was designed for the Basis tables. I've also heard interesting comment about a tonearm called "Schroeder".

Have any of you heard the Vector or Schroeder, and could comment on sound quality and appropriate match for Basis 2001?

Cartridge is Van Den Hull Frog, phono stage is Sonic Frontiers Phono One.

Thank you.
Albert, did Jim White ask you if he could call the Signature the "Albert Porter Edition" since it is so similar to your modified Io?

btw, i plan on buying a 2-power supply Signature to replace my stock 2 year old Io.
The replies made in this thread mirror what was stated years ago when the Graham first arrived on the scene. At that time, audiophiles could not comprehend why someone would have an interest in a Graham as the SME V was the established top arm. It was only after many of these very people HEARD the Graham that it become accepted as superior.

It is humorous that history repeats itself. None of the respondents in this thread have heard the Vector, yet judgements were made that the Graham was the preferable arm. Even one respondent’s comment, “Why re-invent the wheel?” echos the identical question asked when the Graham first appeared. As history has shown, if a new component provides superior attributes, it will succeed. And all audiophiles benefit.

With my audio priorities, I demand excellence from my analog front end. To that end, I gave up on pivoted arms over 12 years ago when I acquired my first AirTangent tonearm. Subsequent to this, I acquired the best arm AirTangent has produced to date which is the awesome tonearm from the generation after the AirTangent Reference.

My high performance AirTangent is superior sonically to the Graham and I don’t think any knowledgeable audiophile would contest that point. No other arm that I’ve heard during these past 12 years has had the ability to convey the emotion and musical life achieved with my AirTangent. Upon hearing an astounding demo system that included a Vector, I evaluated a Vector in my system. Was I shocked!!! The Vector significantly beat the AirTangent in the low end, was its equal if not better in dynamics, tracked as well, and matched the AT in every other parameter. Yep, I purchased the Vector.

Without a doubt, the Vector joins the ranks with the AirTangent as a state-of-the art high performance tonearm. Everything about the Vector’s design, like with a Ferrari car, serves to enhance performance. The Graham is an excellent arm but is more like a Cadillac, with many built in features that facilitate convenience, but in so doing impact ultimate sonic performance. Thus, I would recommend the Vector as the arm of choice.

Do note that Wally Malewicz, the well known analog maven and designer of turntable setup tools, made the following statement regarding the Vector (Vinyl Asylum on 1/25/02):

“It represents a breakthrough design and is based on complete engineering analysis of every parameter. Perfect match with MC Cartridges and well engineered TT. ....... The best dynamics available with musicality and details.“
I currently own a Basis Debut Vacuum with a Graham 2.2 tonearm and although I very much enjoy it its not perfect. The Graham lacks the sharp clarity I hear at live performanaces and its bass responce is well defined but lacks that snap, crackle and pop from a real drum set. I am thinking about trying the new Vector tonearm which I understand improves in these areas. The Graham is a Pretty sounding tonearm but in my view is not the Ultimate. Its amazing how many people in this thread perfered the Graham without even doing a compairson.
I know this is a old thread but I thought I would give my experiences with these two fine arms. In Dec 2002 I took the plunge and purchased the Basis Vector tonearm. Prior to the Vector I used the Graham 2.2 for over 2 years on my Basis Debut Vacuum Table and while happy with the performance of the graham I realized it was not perfect. I can now say with over 6 months of listening with the Vector tonearm that in terms of performance it is Superior in every reguard to my Graham 2.2 which I sold in January. From top to bottom the Basis Vector outperformed my Graham 2.2 tonearm and was in general terms more musical and presentated a "lifelike" sound. The vector has tigher and faster mid bass, a clearer and more transparent midrange and more accurace Highs. For more detailed info go to the Vinyl asylum and do a search under "Basis Vector". I did a short review and there are numerous post by other Vector owners which will verify its Superiority. The Graham 2.2 is still a nice arm and has some convienent features but in terms of performance the Vector is at a higher level of musical reproduction. Johnny