Too much power for Spendor S3/5?

I just bought a new pair of Spendor S3/5 (replaced Vandersteen 2CE Signature II) for a move to a smaller space. All my other gear has remained the same, including an NAD C372 integrated that puts out 150 watts. Spendor's guidelines for the S3/5 suggest a max of about 75 watts and I'm wondering if I'll run a risk of blowing or overheating drivers by putting too much power into them. I might consider a change to the Naim Nait 5i-2, or...

I listen at low volumes (under 75 dB) and in the near-field (5-6 feet away), though I do occasionally turn them up to the 80-85 dB range when I'm in another room. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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years years back i had a pair of S3/5 and i borrowed a buddy's McCormack dnA 1 (150w/channel). That was one of the best sound I got from that tiny spendors. It sounded anything but tiny with that much power behind it.
Off course, just be careful with the volume settings but that was sonic bliss.
I have the Spendors and used with 200 watt solid state and 50 watt tube,they are a great speaker,enjoy them and don't worry.