Toobs + SS = x

In another thread on 07-25-01 Redkiwi said:

"I simply do not concur with the popular wisdom of warming things up with a tube preamp - look elsewhere and remove the problem - adding countervailing distortions is just wrong, wrong, wrong (in my humble opinion of course - I can see the negative votes now).."

More discourse on this comment, please!
As I read it, Red's point is summarised in the phrase "...adding countervailing distortions (to "correct" sonic insufficiencies) is wrong...". i.e., "don't use one component to cover up another's shortcomings".

Pre(s)were the context of the thread -- but, as I saw it, the comment held for other system components as well.

Re, tubes+ss: 1) I have found tube-phonos' load matching happily with the signal. To my ears, the result is "musicality", lack of harshness, and fluidity rarely found in any but the best (& expensive) ss phonos...

2) I've been happy with this "intermarriage" going both ways: ss pre->tube power and vice-versa, the former performing better than the latter. However, this superiority probably had more to do with the equipment involved (DNM6->ear519) & matching, than with the combination concept per se.

But, I agree: a shame to insert a tube pre in order to tame, say, harshness in the ss power -- if the overall sonic result is not superior but, rather, "muted".

I've had pretty good results with a tube pre and quality ss amps. I like the tube interface to the source components, then amplification with a well-designed ss amp. Part of the equation is your speakers, seems my ML Quests like SS power, perhaps it's the power reserves that feed varying loads presented by the speaker? My Oracle turntable and ML's are the only two components in my chain that will not be changed, everything else is a variable. I used a ARC preamp with a Classe amp, and now use BATVK30 pre with BATVK500 amp. It's entirely possible there's a better match out there, but to my ear the sound is very laid back and warm as is. Every set up will vary but I feel strongly you need tubes somewhere in the chain, and preamp tubes are considerably cheaper than power output tubes when it's time to throw some new glass in.
ux4, ewe say, regarding using toobs to warm tings up: "...look elsewhere & remove the problem..." well, i guess yure rite - we can ditch all our digital hardware & software! ;~) while toobs were always popular w/a small percentage of audiophiles prior to 1984, i believe the reason they are so popular today in the audiophile community, is due to the digital playback technology. it's yust plain cold, hard, flat, shall i say *distorted*? while i agree in principal that one shouldn't "add countervailing distortions", what's wrong w/using a toob preamp if it makes everyting sound better? my toobed pre's thd runs ~0.07%, btw... and, *all* the sources - tuna & fono, not yust cd - also sound better.

my prior preamp - a linn kairn - had great dynamics, frequency extension, accuracy, timbre, soundstage width & height. but, little soundstage depth - kinda flat. my present preamp gives up *nothing* to the linn's strengths - it's even more dynamic. but, now i have a depth to the soundstage that yust wasn't there before. countervailing distortion? dunno, but it's more like music...

ymmv, doug s.

I did not intend it that way, but I am currently using Symphonic Line P-20 (ss) pre with Aronov LS-9100 Monos(Tube). It`s the combination I would not imagine before I heard it. I am perfectly happy with the sound. SS pre with tube amp works. Just the pre has to be as musical as all Symphinoc Line products are.
I uhgree wit Dug : )

I attacked the "digital problem" by simply using tubes where it mattered most: at the front end in the DAC. Problem solved. Sean