Top 3 Most Overrated Artists contest in R&R.

I nominate
#1 KISS (What is R&R hall of fame after all?)
#2 Jonn Bon Jovi (actually can share same spot with Kiss)
#3 Rolling Stones (mostly they just don't make sense and hardly ever I can note of anyone being any good there)
+1 lowrider. it's great that aerosmith gave up the crack pipe and got healthy, but it unfortunately didn't help their music. not sure if anyone mentioned rod stewart, another once-great who sunk to the lowest form of pop drivel
True about Aerosmith regardless of their trips and wrists full of crack-cocain. Rod Stewart is unique performer sucked anywhere he's ever been weather as side performer or solo. He's often or even always out of key (problems with hearing for music I guess). I'd say same about Mick Jagger that spoils Rolling Stones. Instrumentally they're OK.
Someone swapped me Aerosmith tickets for guitar lessons (I would not have gone otherwise) in the late 80's. It was one of the best live shows I've seen. I was surprised and totally knocked out by their performance.