Top 3 songs to evaluate a system

Hi everyone,

So here is the question: what are your Top 3 music pieces to evaluate a system?

The songs should be complementary to cover a wider range of features, but not necessary. If you only listen to one type of music, it would make sense to only evaluate with this type.

Bonus: identify one good part of the piece where you pay extra attention because this is where the difference between systems is more visible.

I'll start:

Holly Cole Trio - Girl Talk - My Baby Just Cares For Me
Highlight: The vibrating cord at 1:59

MaMuse - All The Way - Glorious
Highlight - The clean guitar and the high drum beat that rythm the whole piece

Metallica - ... And Justice for All (Remastered) - One
Highlight - The first drums at 0:53, but the whole guitar as well

Doing this myself, I realize it's very hard to only pick 3!!


Showing 1 response by buckycyo

One of my old time references is “Jim Hall - Live - Toronto 1975”. Especially “The Way You Look Tonight”. This album is a nice natural recording; especially of drums and bass. Nice subtle and occasionally surprising dynamics that don’t sound compressed to me. Another nice effect is the ambient sound of the venue, crowd and clinking glasses. Whether Jim’s free flowing solos are your taste or not this recording is an interesting listen sonically.