Topnotch BluRay Concert.....

I recently bought Adele on Blue Ray live at the Royal Albert Hall. Simply spectacular 5.1 sound. Anyone experience good 5.1/2.1 concerts feel free to explain in detail and even direct where to buy.....thx in advance:)

Regards Bacardi

Showing 2 responses by statman

I also have Return to Forever's live at Montreux 2008. Great sounding disc and I love RTF, BUT for me I do not like hearing instruments in the rear channels! I was around when Quadraphonic was new and had a flashback to that era when listening to this disc the first time. They should have just used it for venue ambiance and audience feedback to get the feeling of the venue they were playing at!
Worth repeating as the others have stated. I have Jeff Beck, Dave Matthews-Tim Reynolds,and John Mayer. All of those I have used as a demo at one time or another. The David Gilmoure live at the Royal Albert Hall is very good especially if you like clean and clear vocals thru your center channel. I have to say that David Crosby and Graham Nash who are on the disc add excellent vocals. The opening low end is great on the first song which is Breathe(In the air) and is much more dynamic than when first heard years ago on Dark side of the Moon played on vinyl thanks to uncompressed audio and good subwoofers these days! Great up front vocals with hall ambiance around you.I'm going to pickup Led Zepplin, The Police, and the Rush recommnendations, thanks for starting this thread!