Torture test for a TT rig!

I have less than 200 hours on my Miyajima Shalabi. Triplanar arm, Woodsong Garrard 301.
I am actually hoping that it is a compliance mismatch cart and arm.
Just playing 1812 Overture on the cannons the arm jumped off the record and the sound stopped for an instant!
Sure seems like the cart is not tracking.
At least I now have a torture test!
And I am getting “clipping-like” distortion. Especially on the fuller tones of a singer.
Cartridge/Arm mismatch? Is compliance the only or main issue?
My VTA is right.
Well, last time I checked, the VTA was 2.1g. The recommended is 2.3. Just checked it now, it was down to 1.9!Set it right the 2.3 and the full vocal is almost all better.
Set it to 2.5. Will keep it there for now. 
Dear @mglik : This is the information from your cartridge manufacturer site:

"" Product name Stereo cartridge -Shilabe- Impedance About 16 ohms (About 0.23mV output) Frequency range (-3dB) 20 Hz to 32 kHz Tracking force 3.0 g Stylus Shape nude Shibata diamond stylus Compliance (10Hz) around 8×10-6cm/dyne Appropriate temperature 20-30 Celsius (most suitable 25 C) 68-86 Fahrenheit (most suitable 77 F) Weight about 9.7g Body African Blackwood ""

and from M.Fremer review:

he said: 2.5grs-3.2grs.

From where you get that the rigth VTF is 2.3grs. Other Miyajiima models tracks at 2.3grs as manufacturer specs but not yours.

Again, with this very special cartridges the best is to follow the manufacturer spec that’s 3.0grs not what you have. In my first statement in what I posted before you can read about the manufacturer spec: 3.0grs and in my last statement in that same post you can read: 3.2grs as alternative for VTF. 

Now, you are the cartridge owner and maybe you have a different manufacturer recomendation, I don’t know.

Btw, if you stated that " The recommended is 2.3. "" why theset up is at 2.5g.

Somewhere something is wrong or some one is wrong about the rigth cartridge VTF value. Could you explain or put some ligth in this mix-up??


Well, last time I checked, the VTA was 2.1g. The recommended is 2.3. Just checked it now, it was down to 1.9!Set it right the 2.3 and the full vocal is almost all better.
@mglik  If I'm reading this right, it appears that you might have 'VTA' confused with 'Tracking force'. VTA stands for Vertical Tracking Angle and is measured in degrees. Its often conflated with SRA (Stylus Rake Angle) although the two are a bit different.

If you were referring to your tracking pressure in the above quote, try 3grams- I think you'll find it gets better.
Hi Raul,
When I google Miyajima Shilabi 2.3g comes up but now that I open the page it does show the other Miyajima carts as 2.3 and Shilabi as 3.0!Have reset and the problem is solved... thanks to all.
Sure happy it is not some more complex issue!