totems do need quality power. i am using a pair of odyssey monoblocks with my totem model 1's and are very pleased. i did a test with my totem arro's. I normally have the arro's hooked up to a onkyo receiver (909 series with over 100 watts) in my den system. they sound pretty good. I hooked them up to my oddyssey/classe setup and it was night and day difference. more authority, more of everything. IMO, you will need to try out the amp/speaker setup yourself.
Totem Model 1 Signature amp question.
I'm looking for more opinions on amplification for Totem Model 1 Signatures. I understand that the Model 1 Signatures need a lot of quality power to get the most out of them. Will a Jolida 1501 hybrid(100w/8ohms) be sufficient? Can the Jolida drive 4ohm loads?
Thanks for any experienced advice,
Thanks for any experienced advice,
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