Townshend Pods under TT Don’t Do

well with all the talk about how great the Townshend Pods are I decided to try a set of Pods under my TT. I found out the hard way, Don’t do this. I have a good TT on a good rack and it sounds very good. With the Pods I had to sneak up on my TT to change the VTA or to que it up. It would start shaking with the lightest of touch. I bought the correct Pods for the weight of my TT. The Pods didn’t harm the sound but didn’t improve the sound either. I will use the Pods under one of my pre amps for now. I can maybe say they might work under equipment but don’t suggest you use them under a TT.
‘I was very disappointed in the results. Maybe your results will be different.
Joe - with the Oracle / ET combo you are most likely a zen master. Did you by chance know Brooks Berdan ? His Oracle mods famous. I bet you have a great system and a discerning ear :-)

Best to you.

Concrete ain’t what it used to be. The building where B2 wings were assembled was adjacent to a Tidal influenced brackish river… Slabs under the major jigs 3’ thick. Had to be careful to check the tide chart before drilling the front spar….

Of course, we were not using tape measures…Leica laser trackers for the Luddites.

Big stuff moves…

Thats why for small stuff Minus K exists, HRS, Symposium

Sounds like Symposium rack is doing it’s job.
I didn’t know Brooks Brendan. Not sure if I read about him and his mods..
my Oracle is basically untouched. I rebuilt the Oracle every couple years. I don’t have the dexterity that I used to have so it takes me longer. Last rebuild took me about 8 hours. Now the Oracle with the ET2 is fully functional and totally balanced. Can be a pain to setup, there are 6 different points that must be leveled. 
And yes I really like the symposium rack, 4 shelves. And not a bad price in today’s world. Looks good also.
system sounds good so I’m happy.
I have a plinth coming back from the finishers next week, with the TT mounted will be 150-160lbs, and I’ve got some pods waiting to install as footers. I have a suspended wood floor, will see how it goes. Def too heavy for a floating shelf, def trying to avoid footfalls, and def not really trying to spend the price of a Minus K. 
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