Tracking down a hum.

Today when I powered up my system, I noticed a hum from my tube pre amplifier, a Rogue Audio Model 99 (line stage only). It is worse when first powering up. It is absent through my headphones, (using an external headphone amp and the record button on the pre-amplifier)  Listening to speakers the noise is present but diminishes and eventually goes away as the system warms up.
I'm using the Rogue to send a signal to a Musical Fidelity X-P200.
I don't think the issue is the tubes as I'm using Tung-Sol 6sn7 tubes with less than 300 hours on them.
I bought this Rogue used and had to take it back to get it fixed as one channel kept cutting out because of a bad solder in the out put jack. Maybe something else failed?


@imhififan  I have swapped out tubes, the condition still persists. I connected my headphone amp to the power (briefly) no hum coming through that I could hear. So I think it's in an output capacitor or in the tubes heaters. It isn't the tubes themselves. 
Thanks for the advice.

Post Script to all this.
I took the amp to a shop for repairs. The techs (2 of them both experienced) could not find an issue. Told me everything in the amp is "up to spec". Gave it back to me no charge. Get it home hook it up and the hum is still there. Only now it is constant. I call Rogue. They say try the dip switch in the voltage regulator. I found it and switched it from H to L and now everything is fine. Hum is gone amp runs nice and quiet. If it happens again. I'll send it off to Rogue.
Thanks again to everyone for your input.


Curious about this H/L switch in the regulator. The only one I can see, and the only one in the manual, is the phono board gain.

Mine is a line stage. Look for a small orange and white switch it's upright and small, near the transformer.
I was able to find it without too much trouble

Well after the weekend the noise is back. It's through the speakers and independent of the volume control. It goes back to Rogue this week with my contact information and a description of the problem.