Tranfiguration Orpheus description

This is the first detailed description I've seen of the new Transfiguration Orpheus:

Anyone run across other info?

BTW, how come SP never tested a ZYX cart?
Presumably because Mehran listened to your good advice! ;-)

ZYX doesn't advertise, so sending SP a review sample might be asking for death-by-faint-praise. Not that I'm implying anything...

BTW, can't we have one thread about a Tranny without you dragging ZYX into it again? You're fixated! <8~)
Doug, my point which I'm sure you understood, was that Fremer drew comparisons to Dynavector and Lyra without talking about maybe two or three other cartridges (ZYX being one) that should certainly be included in that group. Not that I felt his characterizations of the XV-1s or Titan-i probably count for anything anyway ;--)
A quick visit to the Stereophile website shows that they _have_ reviewed ZYX cartridges. At the very least they've reviewed the ZYX R-1000 Airy S, because they provide a link to an online review (done by Art Dudley in May 2004). Go to "Equipment Reviews", then "Phono Cartridges" within "Analog Sources", and you'll have the link.

BTW, among the other cartridge review links Stereophile provides, the Linn Akiva and Lyra Parnassus D.C.t are both yokeless/polepiece-less designs (albeit executed differently from the Transfigurations).

regards and hth, jonathan carr
Stereophile did do a review of a ZYX cartridge about 2 years ago. Here is a link

I do enjoy Michael Fremer's writing. I find it informative and more our hobby is supposed to be.

No offense to anyone.