Tranquility DAC

Is anyone familiar with this DAC made by DB systems?
There is a new affordable upgrade to the output section that is suppose to significantly increase the sound quality of the SE. I will be sending it off to dB Audiolabs soon. Go to and look at my review of a AQVOX USB power supply I use with my Tranquility. It was a night and day improvement for about $170. You can get the free home trial and see if you like the SE. I think you will like it better than Ayre. I know of a guy here on Audiogon who replaced his Ayre DAC with the Tranq SE.
Hello everyone,

I too am a fan of the Tranquility and the Tranquility SE, but some time ago I listened to an UltraFi DAC-41 and was literally swept away, sold the Tranquilities, and bought the DAC-41s for three systems I enjoy. Not long ago, I added the TwinREG powersupply modification to the DAC-41s and was astonished at the improvement in an already astonishing DAC. Larry Moore, as I understand it, is no long manufacturing or involved in the Tranquility series of DACs. I highly recommend taking a listen to the TwinREG modified DAC-41s... I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised. One thing I'd like to note about them is that they get better and better the more they are used.

:) listening,

Abruce, I haven't tried the EE DAC. So many things about audio are system dependent, but IMHO the DAC-41 is remarkable in that I have three very different systems, and the DAC-41 has transformed each one to an extraordinary degree. I'd recommend giving it a try.

Sometime, maybe this summer, I want to put a DAC-41 under my arm and take it to a DCS dealer and see if they will allow a comparison listen. I'm sure that at many, many times the price, the DCS should best the DAC-41. I say should, but I am really wondering to what extent. Just curious more than anything else because I've found the DAC-41, especially the TwinREG modified version, to be exceptional in so many respects regardless of the kind of music being played.

:) listening,
