Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?

I was considering buying a Transfiguration Temper W but I am now aware that a new cartridge called the Orpheus is available costing more than the Temper.
Not much info seems to be available about it other than basic specs, can anyone comment on differences between it and the Temper.

Many thanks
It's difficult for me to answer that type of question without hearing the Orpheus on MY system compared to my Temper W. I wouldn't call Larry's system all that warm to begin with. It's a very detailed system that excels with classical music, which IMO is no simple task. Also, we're talking about horns here.

That said, I didn't find the Orpheus to be much different than the Temper in the warmth category. It's slightly more detailed, digs a bit deeper and seem to have a blacker background with a bit more transparency. I really don't think it's a night and day difference as described above. It seems to do everything the Temper did, just a little better. There's also the issue regarding Larry's "V" which certainly sounded better six months ago than it did when he traded it in.

From what I've heard so far, I believe the Temper and the Orpheus are very similiar. Is the Orpeus worth the difference in price? It certainly was for Larry. I'm not so sure I'd feel the same way on my system playing old jazz LPs 90% of the time.

- Gary
sirspeedy. i have heard the temper v in my system for a short time and it is one fine cartridge. you know at some point in time, no matter how gd a piece of gear is, something will come along that betters what you have. i have not heard the Orpheus, and no doubt it beats the v, but...i am sure i could live with the v for a long time, regardless. though i bet my friend would be pleased that his quote has lead you to start an Orpheus fund. such is life in this hobby.

What particular cartidge came along your way that bettered the Tmper V?


Thanks for your additonal comments. This helps to put things in better perspective, perhaps.


I'm particulary interested in knowing how the Temper or Orpheus compares to Zyx's ...the Airy 3 or Universe.

The preceeding comments sound hauntingly parallel to those of the ZYX contingent just as the UNIverse was making its debut. Up til then, they gushed about the Airy 3 as the ultimate ZYX offering. BTW, didn't I read somewhere about an 'improved' UNIverse in the works?

If only our hearing improved along with our audio equipment! As it is, I have to keep upgrading just to hear into the music as well as I did 10 years ago with less sophisticated gear.