Thanks- The Amadeus powers that be say almost any cartridge works well. This may be true, but I'm sure certain ones are better. The ones I have heard of
owners or dealers using: DV20X @ XX-2, Emt tsd-15, Lyra Delos, Benz L2 wood, Cartridge Man. I have also heard of Denon 103, but am skeptical of that one. I own a GTA, and use the tsd-15, and a standard Amadeus w/ a 20X/L. As good as the 20 is, that's where i want to explore an upgrade. Perhaps a at one point, an Axia or PheonixÂ….. Cheers -Don
owners or dealers using: DV20X @ XX-2, Emt tsd-15, Lyra Delos, Benz L2 wood, Cartridge Man. I have also heard of Denon 103, but am skeptical of that one. I own a GTA, and use the tsd-15, and a standard Amadeus w/ a 20X/L. As good as the 20 is, that's where i want to explore an upgrade. Perhaps a at one point, an Axia or PheonixÂ….. Cheers -Don