Transistor Preamp that sounds like a Tube Preamp?

You probably think I'm crazy, but with all the improvements in solid state, are there any transistor preamps that have the following characteristics I hear in tubes?

1. Fully fleshed out instrumental timbre and overtones?

1. Full, alive midrange with bloom, body and dimension?

2. The airy space and separation between instruments?

3. That realness and aliveness of tubes?

4. At a retail of around $6,000 or less?

I'm sure I'll be getting some clashing opinions on this....
Thanks Asa:

The ESPs are definitely intriguing... but what 50wpc amp would you recommend for them?

Leaning towards the Audio Notes but don't these need to be corner loaded?? I'd prefer to keep the plasma in between without messing up the imaging...

Also, have you compared 300Bs lately? I recall you favor the new Western Electrics and I wonder how they might stack up to my TJs...

I would consider a tube pre-amp perhaps when the time comes to upgrade, but I am not even close to considering a tube power amp at this point.

IS the Shindo pre a tube unit?

Also I have no idea what an "Auditorium trannie" is?
Mapman, check out Tone Audio. They import both Shindo and Auditorium. I had the transformer.