Transparent Audio Gen4 vs Gen5

I'm looking to buy both IC and speaker cables from TA considering Ultra MM2 and Super Gen5. Anybody compare them?

Showing 4 responses by jafant


I would not waste any time choosing between so many models
w/in the Transparent stable. If you want the very best, choose the OPUS cabling. Otherwise, choose the Reference XL
cabling. You will be rewarded. You will not be disappointed.
Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thanks! for sharing- Dave b.
And addresses a great point, newer does not = better, all of the time. Honestly, the older MM1 series of cabling was very good. Once you get into the Ref XL or OPUS level of products, this is as good as it gets, IMO.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Dave b-

I have always wanted to demo MIT. Which models do you suggest that are on par w/ the Transparent wires?

Which Transparent models have you owned? Which MIT models have you owned? Keep me posted & Happy Listening!