it seems that transparent cabling is very expensive from top to bottom.can any one tell me what is the most expensive part of the cable,the cable itself or the network.most cable companies talk about the materials and construction of their cables but transparent only tells you how they can they justify the cost?
Transparent Cable can be a tremendous value, this cable, like others can be gear dependent. If one owns Classe'
Rotel, Audio Research, Byston, B&W or Wilson Audio speakers, then this IS the cable/cord system for you!

I have enjoyed demo time w/ the above mentioned elecrtonics and speakers. I have enjoyed $5K all of the way up to $100K (retail) systems and Transparent does not disappoint.

When calling or emailing Transparent Cable- ask for Brad.

I own Wilson's and I had a home audition of Transparent Ultra speaker and interconnect cable. My wife and I didn't like the cable at all. We felt it had bloated bass and a rather closed in midrange in comparison to Clear Day Audio speaker cable and Silver Audio speaker and interconnect cable. The Clear Day Cable is significantly less expensive, while the Silver Audio is within the same price range. I choose the Silver Audio. I've talked to several Wilson owners and many submit there are better options than Transparent Audio, but it doesn't hurt to listen and compare.
Whereas with my Dali speakers, the Transparent Super MM2 were selected by a wide margin over the Clear Day Double Shotguns by all who listened...and I do think the Clear Day is an excellent value
Also when considering value, it is important to look at selling price used, and how well these prices hold over time, not simply the new price. Transparent cables purchased used hold their value for many years...
It's about system synergy, that's why I suggest listening to several options within your price range. Transparent worked in your system, not the best fit in my system. No absolutes in audio!