Transparent or Nordost?

I currently have all Transparent Ultra MM2, but I am thinking of trying out some other cables. Has anyone compared Transparent to Nordost? Specifically Red Dawn LS?
System is listed.

Both sound crappy with some systems and great with others,like most things in Audio.
Just heard from my Nordost dealer and I should get the demo case on Saturday. The only confusion on my part is getting his Valhalls's. He is down to 1 pair of SC's but I'm sure we will work something out (we always do).
Bjesien, I've got BH LS speaker cables and was thinking of moving up the Nordost line. Was told RD LS was a big step up. Now that the old Norse series is available at 50% off would you still go for RD LS or Heimdall/Frey? Differences between the two? Thanks