Transparent or Nordost?

I currently have all Transparent Ultra MM2, but I am thinking of trying out some other cables. Has anyone compared Transparent to Nordost? Specifically Red Dawn LS?
System is listed.

Bjesien, I've got BH LS speaker cables and was thinking of moving up the Nordost line. Was told RD LS was a big step up. Now that the old Norse series is available at 50% off would you still go for RD LS or Heimdall/Frey? Differences between the two? Thanks
No_money My Nordost dealer sold his Tyr's too fast. They were gone 2 weeks before his demo case arrived. I need 4m speaker cables. When I bought my Frey's I was at the top of my budget and I did quickly demo the Valhalla's just for grins (his Tyr's were out on demo). 2430/Heimdall vs 3400/Frey vs 7600/Tyr vs 11800/Valhalla MSRP for 4m when I bought mine 2yrs ago. Like I said earlier I had to 'squint' to hear the difference between Heimdall and Frey but no squinting was needed for the Valhalla. Same was true for the ic's.
Ok I have the series2. First let me say I pestered my dealer to get the demo case so these cables have NOT been burned in on the Vidar. I swapped my Frey with the Frey2 speaker cable. Wow very different. Better bass and high end extension but a much more overall liquid sound. With the Frey2 speaker cable in I then swapped the Frey ic with the Frey2. Another improvement but not as dramatic as the sc. Next I put the Tyr2 sc in. Not much different than the Frey2. Now that being said I have to change some tubes to maybe hear more of a difference. I have only listened for about 2 hrs total so I will need more time for sure. Just wanted to get back with my initial impressions.
I was able to get a full set of original Tyr IC and SC. I haven't put the SC in yet, just the 2 sets of balanced IC. So far so good! VERY dynamic, more lively but not tiring to my ears... yet LOL.... will run them for a week and see. I will put the speaker cable in this weekend.