Transparent Ultra or Super?

I am wondering if anyone can help me decide if it is worth it to go straight to the Ultra XL cable from transparent audio, or start out with the Super XL. Price is not an issue here. I am curious if anyone has compared the two cables, and if so, what the differences are?

I have heard the Transparent music link plus cables, and they seem to have a bloated midrange "haze" in my opinion. Is this a trait of the Transparent line, or is it an interaction with my components?

I am running the following system:
Krell KAV 250CD
Krell pre-amp
Krell KSA 250 amplifier
Hales Revelation Three speakers
Audioquest Type 6+ speaker cables
Well Tempered Classic turntable
Benz Micro Glider 2 Cartridge
Acoustech PH-1P phono stage
Audioquest Ruby interconnects

Thanks in advance for any help!!

There's no question Ultra XL has richer, fuller and nore extended harmonics than the Super XL.
Bloated midrange is certainly not a characteristic of Transparent cables.
Changing both interconnects and speaker cables will transform your system.
Are you buying new? The new MM network might change the story a bit for you. Supposedly the new MM Super would be equal to old XL Ultra. I do know that the MM Ultra IC I purchased was much better than the Super XL it replaced, but I do not have an Ultra XL to compare it too. Good luck.
'Tis a good point, No_money. My experience is that the Plus MM interconnects are better than the Super XL.
I am not considering buying new cables.

I think that the midrange bloat that I have been hearing is due to more of the music coming through and pointing out a poor room acoustic phenomena. I will try to pull the speakers out into the room and see if that clear up the sound.


are the new Plus MM's really better than the old super xl's? My dealer is telling me this, and I find it hard to believe.

rock on, brad
Buehrer - yes, they are. I've got both in my HT system, and the Plus MMs are more extended and more detailed than the Super XLs. I'm slowly migrating the Super XL out of the HT.