Transport for Exogal Comet Plus DAC

Transport for Redbook CD only.  Currently using an Oppo 103, but that will be leaving soon.  Curious if this is a DAC that would benefit from re-clocker...Thanks
thanks for all the replies...not sure of budget, but unfortunately it is less than the CEC...
I will make the same suggestion here as I made on the other thread.  Ditch the transport.  Load your cds to a Bluesound Vault 2 and feed that to your Exogal dac.  You can run the analog and digital outs at the same time.  That way you can easily compare the sound of the dac in the Bluesound versus the sound of your Exogal.

Now you have all your cds right at hand from your iPhone or iPad.

You really need a re-clocker.  You really do.  Trust me...

BTW, I happen to manufacture a re-clocker and will gladly sell you one.  As you'll see, I energetically promote them all over this forum.